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Device Details

Note: UG65/UG67 has built-in ChirpStack MQTT Forwarder, please ensure the firmware version is and later.

Network Connectivity

  • Ensure that the gateway and the Chirpstack v4 system are on the same network and can communicate with each other.

Configuring the Gateway

Accessing the Gateway Management Interface

  1. Log in to the gateway's management interface using the default credentials (username: admin, password: password).
  2. Navigate to Packet Forward -> General.
  3. Find Multi-Destination and click the Operation button for Embedded NS.
  4. In the pop-up window, uncheck the Enable option and click Save.

Setting Up Multi-Destination

  1. Under the Multi-Destination section, click the + button.
  2. In the pop-up window, check the Enable option.
  3. Select ChirpStack-v4 from the Type dropdown menu.
  4. Enter the Chirpstack address in the Server Address field (e.g.,
  5. The default MQTT Port is 1883. If you have changed it, enter the modified port number.
  6. Select the appropriate Region ID based on your device's frequency band (e.g., US915 for this test).
  7. User Credentials and TLS Authentication can be left empty unless your setup requires them.
  8. Click Save to close the window.

Saving and Applying the Configuration

  1. At the bottom of the Multi-Destination page, click Save & Apply.
  2. Wait 3-5 minutes and refresh the page.
  3. Check the Connect Status under the Multi-Destination section for the Type ChirpStack-v4. If it shows Connected, the gateway configuration is successful.
    Gateway configuration complete

Adding the Gateway to Chirpstack

Logging into Chirpstack

  1. Log in to the Chirpstack management interface using the default credentials (username: admin, password: admin).

Adding the Gateway

  1. Navigate to Tenants -> Gateways.
  2. Click Add gateway.
  3. Fill in the necessary information in the pop-up window:
    • Name: Enter UG65-US915.
    • Gateway ID (EUI64): Enter 24E124FFFEF5408E.
    • Fill in other parameters as required.
  4. Click Submit.

Verifying the Gateway Connection

  1. Navigate back to Tenants -> Gateways.
  2. Check the status of the newly added gateway. If it shows Online, the gateway has been successfully added and is operational.
  3. Click on the blue ID code under the Gateway ID column.
  4. In the new interface, go to the LoRaWAN frames tab.
  5. Ensure there is data scrolling, indicating a successful data link between the gateway and Chirpstack.


The gateway has been successfully connected to the Chirpstack v4 platform.