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Outdated documentation

You are reading outdated documentation. This page documents ChirpStack v3. ChirpStack v4 is the latest version.

Quickstart Debian or Ubuntu

This tutorial describes the steps needed to setup the ChirpStack stack including all requirements on a single machine. It has been tested on the following distributions (but with non or minimal modifications it will work on other versions too):

  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
  • Debian 10 (Buster)

Please refer to the other install pages for more generic installation instructions.


Many configurations of these packages are possible. Dependent software packages could be installed on any number of remote servers, and the packages themselves could be on their own servers. However, in order to simplify the initial installation, we will assume the following deployment architecture:

  • All ChirpStack components and their dependencies will be installed on a single server instance.
  • The ChirpStack Gateway Bridge component will be installed on the server, but can also be installed on the gateway itself.
  • No firewall rules are setup.

Of course, optimizations may need to be made depending on the performance of your systems. You may opt to move the PostgreSQL database to another server. Or you may decide to put your MQTT broker on a different system, or even use a different server than the one recommended in this document. These and other installation changes are beyond the scope of this document. However, you should be able to find the information here that would make these changes relatively straight-forward.

Install dependencies

  • MQTT broker - A publish/subscribe protocol that allows users to publish information under topics that others can subscribe to. A popular implementation of the MQTT protocol is Mosquitto.
  • Redis - An in-memory database used to store relatively transient data.
  • PostgreSQL - The long-term storage database used by the open source packages.

Use the package manager apt to install these dependencies:

sudo apt install mosquitto mosquitto-clients redis-server redis-tools postgresql 

Setup PostgreSQL databases and users

To enter the command line utility for PostgreSQL:

sudo -u postgres psql

Inside this prompt, execute the following queries to set up the databases that are used by the ChirpStack stack components. It is recommended to change the usernames and passwords. Just remember to use these other values when updating the chirpstack-network-server.toml and chirpstack-application-server.toml configuration files. Since these two applications both use the same table to track database upgrades, they must have separate databases.

-- set up the users and the passwords
-- (note that it is important to use single quotes and a semicolon at the end!)
create role chirpstack_as with login password 'dbpassword';
create role chirpstack_ns with login password 'dbpassword';

-- create the database for the servers
create database chirpstack_as with owner chirpstack_as;
create database chirpstack_ns with owner chirpstack_ns;

-- change to the ChirpStack Application Server database
\c chirpstack_as

-- enable the pq_trgm and hstore extensions
-- (this is needed to facilitate the search feature)
create extension pg_trgm;
-- (this is needed to store additional k/v meta-data)
create extension hstore;

-- exit psql

Setup ChirpStack software repository

ChirpStack provides a repository that is compatible with the Ubuntu apt package system. First make sure that both dirmngr and apt-transport-https are installed:

sudo apt install apt-transport-https dirmngr

Set up the key for this new repository:

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 1CE2AFD36DBCCA00

Add the repository to the repository list by creating a new file:

sudo echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/chirpstack.list

Update the apt package cache:

sudo apt update

Install ChirpStack Gateway Bridge

Note: If you intend to run the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge only on gateway(s) themselves, you can skip this step.

Install the package using apt:

sudo apt install chirpstack-gateway-bridge

The configuration file is located at /etc/chirpstack-gateway-bridge/chirpstack-gateway-bridge.toml. The default configuration is sufficient for this guide.

Start the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge service:

# start chirpstack-gateway-bridge
sudo systemctl start chirpstack-gateway-bridge

# start chirpstack-gateway-bridge on boot
sudo systemctl enable chirpstack-gateway-bridge

Installing the ChirpStack Network Server

Install the package using apt:

sudo apt install chirpstack-network-server

The configuration file is located at /etc/chirpstack-network-server/chirpstack-network-server.toml and must be updated to match the database and band configuration. See below two examples for the EU868 and US915 band. For more information about all the ChirpStack Network Server configuration options, see ChirpStack Network Server configuration.

After updating the configuration, you need to restart the ChirpStack Network Server and validate that there are no errors.

Start the ChirpStack Network Server service:

# start chirpstack-network-server
sudo systemctl start chirpstack-network-server

# start chirpstack-network-server on boot
sudo systemctl enable chirpstack-network-server

Print the ChirpStack Network Server log-output:

sudo journalctl -f -n 100 -u chirpstack-network-server

EU868 configuration example










US915 configuration example sub-band 1 (125kHz channels 0 - 7 & 500kHz channel 64)





enabled_uplink_channels=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 64]

US915 configuration example sub-band 2 (125kHz channels 8 - 15 & 500kHz channel 65)

This is the same channel-plan as used by The Things Network.





enabled_uplink_channels=[8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 65]

Installing ChirpStack Application Server

Install the package using apt:

sudo apt install chirpstack-application-server

The configuration file is located at /etc/chirpstack-application-server/chirpstack-application-server.toml and must be updated to match the database configuration. See below a configuration example which matches the database which we have created in one of the previous steps. For more information about the ChirpStack Application Server configuration options, see ChirpStack Application Server configuration.




Note: you must replace the jwt_secret with a secure secret! You could use the command openssl rand -base64 32 to generate a random secret.

Start the ChirpStack Application Server service:

# start chirpstack-application-server
sudo systemctl start chirpstack-application-server

# start chirpstack-application-server on boot
sudo systemctl enable chirpstack-application-server

Print the ChirpStack Application Server log-output:

sudo journalctl -f -n 100 -u chirpstack-application-server

Optional: install ChirpStack Gateway Bridge on the gateway

It is advised to run ChirpStack Gateway Bridge on each gateway itself, to enable a secure connection between your gateways and your server.

As there are many types of gateways available, please refer to the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge instructions for installing ChirpStack Gateway Bridge on the gateway.

Setting up your first device

To setup your first gateway and device, refer to the following documentation: