The MQTT integration publishes all the data it receives from the devices
as JSON over MQTT. To receive data from your device, you therefore
need to subscribe to its MQTT topic. For debugging, you could use a
(command-line) tool like mosquitto_sub
which is part of the
Mosquitto MQTT broker.
MQTT quickstart
Use +
for a single-level wildcard, #
for a multi-level wildcard.
mosquitto_sub -t "application/APPLICATION_ID/#" -v # display everything for the given APPLICATION_ID
mosquitto_sub -t "application/APPLICATION_ID/device/+/event/up" -v # display only the uplink payloads for the given APPLICATION_ID
- MQTT topics are case-sensitive
- The
can be retrieved using the API or using the web-interface, this is not the same as theAppEUI
The MQTT integration exposes all events as documented by Event types.
The default event topic is: application/APPLICATION_ID/device/DEV_EUI/event/EVENT
Scheduling a downlink
The default topic for scheduling downlink payloads is: application/APPLICATION_ID/device/DEV_EUI/command/down
The Application ID and DevEUI of the device will be taken from the topic.
Example payload:
"devEui": "0102030405060708", // this must match the DEV_EUI of the MQTT topic
"confirmed": true, // whether the payload must be sent as confirmed data down or not
"fPort": 10, // FPort to use (must be > 0)
"data": "...." // base64 encoded data (plaintext, will be encrypted by ChirpStack)
"object": { // decoded object (when application coded has been configured)
"temperatureSensor": {"1": 25}, // when providing the 'object', you can omit 'data'
"humiditySensor": {"1": 32}