Quickstart Docker Compose

Docker Compose (part of Docker) makes it possible to orchestrate the configuration of multiple Docker containers at once using a docker-compose.yml file.


Before you continue, please make sure that you have Docker and Compose installed. Please refer to https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/ for documentation on how to install Docker.

Clone example repository

ChirpStack provides a repository with example Docker Compose configuration to help you getting started with ChirpStack. This repository can be found at https://github.com/chirpstack/chirpstack-docker.

To clone this repository, you can use the following command:

git clone https://github.com/chirpstack/chirpstack-docker.git
cd chirpstack-docker


Please refer to the README.md for configuration instructions. By default the EU868 region is configured but this can be changed to any supported region.


Execute the following command to start ChirpStack and its dependencies:

docker-compose up

Please note that the first time you execute this command, there might be some errors logged as the database needs to be initialized.

Connect gateway

UDP Packet Forwarder

The example Compose environment provides an instance of the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge, by default configured for the EU868 region and listening for UDP data on port 1700. Please consult the documentation of your gateway for configuration instructions.

ChirpStack MQTT

ChirpStack MQTT Forwarder

If you have installed the ChirpStack MQTT Forwarder on your gateway or are planning to do so, then you can connect it to the MQTT broker (part of the docker-compose.yml). For this you must update the ChirpStack MQTT Forwarder configuration (on your gateway) which can be found in chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder.toml. Please make sure that the chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder.toml topic-prefix configuration matches the desired ChirpStack region.

ChirpStack Gateway Bridge

If you have installed the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge on your gateway or are planning to do so, then you can connect it to the MQTT broker (part of the docker-compose.yml). For this you must update the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge configuration (on your gateway) which can be found in chirpstack-gateway-bridge.toml. Please make sure that the chirpstack-gateway-bridge.toml topic configuration matches the desired ChirpStack region.

Semtech Basics Station

The example Compose environment provides an instance of the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge with Basics Station backend listening on port 3001. Please consult the documentation of your gateway for configuration instructions.

Import LoRaWAN device repository

To import the TTN lorawan-devices repository (optional step), run the following command:

make import-lorawan-devices

This will clone the lorawan-devices repository and execute the import command of ChirpStack. Please note that for this step, you need to have the git and make commands installed.


Navigate to http://localhost:8080 and login with admin / admin. In case the Compose environment is running on a different host, you need to change the address in your browser.