A tenant can be used to let organizations or teams manage their own applications and optionally their own gateways.
An tenant can have:
- Device profiles
- Gateways (if allowed)
- Applications and devices
- Users
Device Profiles
Device profiles can be created by (tenant) admin users and can be assigned when creating a Device.
An tenant can manage its own set of gateways. Note that when an tenant is created by a global administrator, it can decide that an tenant can not have any gateways. In this case, the gateway option is not available to an tenant.
That an tenant is able to manage its own set of gateways does not mean that the coverage is limited to this set of gateways. Gateways connectivity will be shared across the whole network.
Applications can be created by (tenant) admin users and define a group of devices with the same purpose.
Users can be assigned to a tenant to grant them access to the tenant. Within the context of that assignment, an user can be an tenant administrator or a regular user. Please note that only existing users can be assigned to a tenant.
Tenant administrator
An tenant administrator is authorized to manage the users assigned with the tenant and manage the gateways, applications and devices.
Regular user
Regular users are able to see all data, but are not able to make any modifications.